Real Property Conveyancing

We provide highly professional and efficient packaged service for conveyancing transactions, which normally involve sale and purchase agreements, memoranda of transfer, application for State Authority consent (where applicable), deeds of assignment and other related transfer documents and instruments. The cases we handle involved all types of property, covering freehold, leasehold, Malay Reserve or Malay Customary lands, residential, commercial, industrial, agricultural and resort property, landed or high rise condominiums or apartments, and with or without guarded and gated facilities.

Loan Documentation Works

We have a very close business relationship with developers, banks/financial institutions, and  real estate agencies. As such, we often receive references to handle banking loan for financing purchase of property under development projects and sub-sale.

Our packaged services of being able to handle both conveyancing and banking documentations is proven to have effectively increased the efficiency of work flow between us with banks and developers particularly their sale and credit administration staff. It also increases our firm’s work productivity and accuracy as it effectively reduces time and costs in  completing each transaction. Above all, it is much more convenient for the customers/clients to deal with one law firm instead of two or more different law firms in one single transaction.

Corporate Works

Our firm also handles corporate works involving companies’ merger and acquisition, restructuring, sale and purchase of shares, sale and purchase of businesses or projects, joint venture agreements, privatization agreements, due diligence exercises, consultancy and advisory services relating to corporate taxation, employment and general corporate laws.

Secretarial & Advisory

We provide company secretarial consultation and advisory works, in particular on matters relating to company law, corporate governance, corporate compliance laws, directors and other officers’ duties and responsibilities and other aspects of the company law and meeting procedures. Our principal partner, Dato’ Teh Kim Teh, is a qualified Chartered Secretary with extensive knowledge and experience in company laws and regulations.

Commercial Contracts

Our firm handles tenancy or lease agreements, property development joint venture agreements, business or project joint venture agreements, franchise agreements, licensing agreements, agency and distributorship agreements and other commercial contracts and advisory works.

Intellectual Property

We are a registered trademark, patent and industrial design agent. We assist our clients to register trademarks, patents and industrial designs and also provide legal advice on other intellectual property rights and copyrights matters.

Will-Writing Services

Our firm provides will writing services. We also follow up by helping our clients to apply for probates or letters of administration relating to estates of our clients or their relatives and to complete the subsequent transmission or disposal of the assets under their estates.